frequencies with other services rmde the use of higher frequencies
mandatory. Despite attempts to improve the system, it was found impr

ossible to maintain a consistently high grade of service on the teletype channels although the voice channels were generally usable. The
primary cause of the trouble was determined to be the large number of
transmitters in operation aboard the USS ESTES, These, particularly
when operating CWj introduced high-level pulses into the SSB receiver
and caused intolerable garbling of the teletype channelso The same
interference caused the back-up multiplex teletype to be completely unusable. Both of these systems operated successfully from the ship to
ENIWETOK, despite relatively inefficient shipboard transmitting antennas, largely due to superior receiving”conditions at JAl?TAN. The conventional AM voice circuits planned as back-ups for the voice channels
of the SSB system were not usable in either directim} both bemuse of
the shipboard noise and interference and because the ship did not bve
transmitters of adequate power; however, since the voice channels of
the SSB system were generally usable, the back-up facilities were not
(2) Multiplex radioteletype system to KWAJALEIN. In the
past, this system had been oparated on sky-wave propagation using a
variety of high frequencies with horizontal doublet antennas; results
had been medicore.

Installation of a ground-wave antenna system using

two vertical radiating towers excited in phase on a fraquency in the
2 to 3 negacycle range, backed up by a two-wire terminated sloping
dipole normally operated in the 3 to ~ negacycle range, raised the
efficiency of this system to an acceptable levolo














Select target paragraph3