contractor .pmployeeswere treated for food poisoning which was
traced to box lunches prepired on lARRY Island. None of these
patients were hospitalized.
(7) Statistks:

The total sick call by months from

January 3955 to the end of the operation, according to branch of
semice, is attached.17


Mission: The mission of the Dental Section was the

prevention ancltreatment of dental diseases, injuries, and deficiencies among menbers of the task force on ENIWETOK and JAi-’TAii
Islands. In addition, emergency treatment was provided any nenber of the task force.

General: The general class of dental patient arriv-

ing in this commnd was similar to tkt

in CONUS as borne out by

the number of Class 111, IV, and V patients in the general classification, In spite of the fact that the dental staff was comprised
of four officers the work load was heavy. Task Group 7.4 assigned
one dental officer and one airman dental assistant to the dispensary in January 1956. At no time, however, was it necessary to
schedule patients further ahead than four weeks in spite of a doctor-patient ratio in excess of 1-900 and the generally poor dental
health of new arrivals in the conuzand. Dental service activities
in chart fom


18 - TAB Q

are attached hereto.

Select target paragraph3