and from A portable 600 ~

generator. At the peak period of the

operation a total of approximately 2,000 KM was used daily cm
ENIWETOK Island. krgeportakla

generators were installed for

e~ergency operation of communication facilities, refrigeration
equipment and hospital facilities in event of a power failure.
The operation of these emergency generators, when required, was a
responsibility of the contractor. These energency facilities were
adquate for the few short-term power failures that arose, however
there were no generators provided for the mess hall which resulted
in some food spoilage and necessitated the serving of cold meals
during a power outage.
5. Medical:

Mission: The 7126th AU Dispensary provided medical

care for service personnel and AEC contractor employees on the
island of ENIWETOK. Fron time to time, personnel from other sites
reported for emergency surgery. Further, this dispensary acted as
clearing station for evacuation of Amy, Navy, Air Force, and


Military Sea Transport Service patients.

(1) Hospital Facilities: The physical plant consisted

of a thirty bed hospital,,equipped M

an evacuation hospital, housed

in F;ermanentPacific-type buildtigs. Adjacent to the hospital were
two barracksj utilized by corpsmen as living quarters but earmarked
for emergency expansion of the hospital.
(2) Fersonnel: The interim TD called for two doctors,
two dentists, and seventeen enlisted Den.






Ths operational TD called

Select target paragraph3