
Water-k’ne sewage was disposed cf by lines carrying

the raw sewage directly fron the point or points of origin into
the see.. There was no need for treatment prior to disposal. Garbage was dumped untreated into the sea fron a specially built pier
at the West end of the island. Prevailing currents in this area
are such that no problem arose due to garkage washing ashore. Trash
was collected daily and deposited on a dump area also located at
the West end of the island. This trash was burned twice daily and
the debris pushed into the water in the manner of a nodified sanitary fill. An attendant was kept on duty at the area during the
periods when dumping was permitted.
Flies were the only insects that were a problenat
the Iacific Proging Ground. Daily spraying of portions of the island with Lindane or Dieldrin was the nnjor control measure used.
Critical areas were sprayed each day antithe remainder of the island covered in


cycle of approximately one week.

One decontami-

nation truck was used on a full-time kas.isfor this purpose. During ““
the operational period six additional trucks, normally used for deaontm~nation of aircraft, were used on a loan tasis to permit spraying of the entire island in a sin@e day.

operation a concerted effort

During the latter part of

was made to eliminate the major

breeding source on the island--the presence of wet gartage in tha
trash placed in the dump area.
Increaseclshipping during the build-up ant,operational
periods undoubtedly introduced some additional rats to the island.
Normal reproduction increased the rat population to such an extent


Select target paragraph3