during these two nonths resulted in the completion or near-completion of all facilities, “excepttwo arny warehouses, by the end
of June.
The major contributing factor to the delay in con@etion of the tase facility construction program was a heavy demand
on the contractor for construction in connection with scientific
projects which of course had first priority. To avoid such com-


petition for construction mnpower major construction of base fani-


li.tiesshould be accomplished in the off years Letween opentions.

Maintenance and Minor Construction:
Maintenance and minor construction were acccnplished

by two different methods. Within the limitations of his organization, the Engineer, Task Group ‘7.2,performed the smiler minor
construction projects. tiher minor construction and all =intenance was accomplished by the AEC contractor.~
The Table of Distribution of the Engineer Section,
Task GrOUF 7.2, authmized 1 officer and 16 ~listed ~n~

A shor-

tage of assipned personrielhampered the opemti.ons of this section
particularly during the early part of the build-up period. h
tember 1.955,the assigned strength w=


only 1 officer and 8 en~sted

men and the authorized strength was not reached until February 1956.
As the strength of the section increased, the number of projects
initiated rose correspondingly.~

Some e~ples

of’the @’p8s of

projects involved are:
(1) Construction of a beverage warehouse.








Select target paragraph3