Department of The immy, which would pmzit a transfer of vehicles
determined to be uneconomically repairable directly to Froperty Disr

posal Officer. This would preclude reporting the items for disposition and thereby elimlnate a 45-60 day delay In final action taken.


This authcrity was received 29 June 1956.
(2) The initial stages of “rollup” ccxm=ced ti =rly
June with the turn-in ci’excesses by the Military Eolice Augmentation unit. The initial turn-ins consisted.of beds, becking and a


small nunber of vehicles. It is anticipated that such item will
continue to be turned in as personnel depart fro~ the iacific rl?oving Ground. Preparation and return of items to CONS is progressing



Mission: The Ordnance Section is responsible for field

maintenance and technical inspections of all Army owned ordnance .
mteriel and vehicles, Engineer heavy equipnent, ant.naterials handle
ing equipnent in the Facific Froving Ground.

During the first two nonths of 1955 the AEC civilian

contractor assumed the maintenance responsibility for w~
Force o~ed

and Air

em~gency power generators located on ENIWETOK Is&uN5.

Spare parts continued to be supplied by Task Group 7.2.
During May and June the first shipment of vehicles for
Operation REDWING were received. The de-processing and in-storage
maintenance of these vehicles created a large additional work load
for the ordnance section during the six or seven nonth before they


Select target paragraph3