Becftusoof the tcmpor~.
ry usn~c of tho clothing r.ndthe possibility
thnt an inoquitflblasituation would r.rise,Q request wns mado for
authority to purch~.scthe items M

organizntionatlclothing for return

by tho individuals to his organi~ntion upon his dopnrturo. This
rooommcndntionwas ~pprovod~ Tho only sourco for Class X Kh~ki in
the CONUSWPS tho rosiduc from surplus ROK Army stocks which wos prc.

domirmntly small sizes. Tho CQMG stipulfitodth~.tthis clothing
oould bo providod only in assorted sizes. Loc~.1oulling rove~lod
thnt approxim~tcly 7,000 of o~ch 10,~0 uniforms wero not us~.blc;
this doficioncy wns grootcr with trousors th~n with shirts. CIOthing was cut nnd sown ct the r~.tecf 2(Y? garments

por d~y~

It is

beliovod impcr~tive thnt upon dcploticn of existing stocks, tho
newly approved sumncr uniforms (Army
Force short sleeve and
short tr~usor) must bo nwdc Pvailablo for s~le in tho QblSnlcs Storo
and.that personnel

~ssigncd to this slmtion, oithor PCS or TDY, must

bo instructd to bring this uniform with him.
(d) Sorvicc shoos: Asupply

of service shoos for

the tnsk force wns roquisitioneclfrom the CQMG, but sinco the item
was no longer nn item of issue ~nd CONUS stooks wcro oxhnustod, the
requisition was cancollod- Sufficient stocks were on hcnd for RndSafo purposos with some odditioncl qu~tntitiesremainin~ for gcnoral
issue. Tho additionfilquantities, however, were not sufficient for
D.11task forco porsonnol duo nw.inlyto e.poor size ~ssortmento
Shoos wore furnished to pormnont pnrty personnol md
SEVEN Forword, on m


‘until stock was oxhaustcd” bnsis.



Select target paragraph3