
Medical Supply:
(a) Medical supplies were furnished for all task

groups except Task houp

7.5 and those personnel of othm


groups located on PARRY Island. General~ the supply of medical
items was mde

without incident and with a mirmnum of difficulty.
(b) The service provided by HABCOM on emergency re-

quisitions was found to be excellent.

The service prcwidcd by Oversea Supply Agency was

equally as efficient and materially ~ided in the medical supply
ser~ice furnished by TG 7.2 to the Task Force.

Ordnance Supply:
Vehicles arrived sporadically between May 19SS and

April 1956 with the bulk of the vehicles (approxim.te~ 290) arriving

in late February, March and April 1956.

Since the advance

parties for the various task groups arrived in January 1956 some

required vehicles were not present, although they were at the
Naval Supply Center, O~kland, California ~waiting lift.


up ~.ctionWPS taken by CJTF Sl%llENto expedite shipments.
!5. Quartermaster Supply:
(a) Beds and Bedding: While preparing to house
4,000 persons, consideration was given to those items which had
been in the warehouses under long term storage and those items
in the hands of pernwnent party personnel. As a result of screaning . stocks and meterial on memormdum receipt to the detachments,
medical pcrsonnol declared more than 700 mattresses and 1200 pil+

These were replaced and requisitions submitted

Select target paragraph3