Substitutions were m~de frem Depot stccks locally. For better
operation it was determined th:t a request for all required
su?plies and cqwmment includin~ necessary T, O & E equi;:ment
fcr en augmentation unit should be submitted to Task Group 7.2
eight months yicr

to them

arrival. Housekee~ing supplies,

bedcling,clothing, and similiar items can be provided.withcut
wbmission of predetermined lists since the total number af
personnel will be included in overall stren~th reports,
(9) Loc~

Purchase: Facilities were not availe.blewithin the PPG

for effecting local purchases, therefore purchase request and corn.
mitment forms were forwr?ed to the H&3COM Purchasing and Contracting Division. Difficulty was encountered in acce~ptanceof supplies for the govcrnnwnt since .ani.ccount~bleOfficer~s reprcsenti..
tive was requested by HABCOM tc accept suvlies in Hawaii for an
account located at ENIWETOK.

It wes found necc.ssaryto forward all

“requisitions to the Oversea Su~Jly f.gencyfcr supply or purchase
action, exoept emergency requirements. In addition to the fore.
going, many items were n~t readily available in Hawaii and required
further purchase action in the CONUS by the Contracting Officer.
This experience indicated that the responsibilities for the local
purchase of authorized sup,iliesand equipment should be clearly
defined in future Administrative or ~er~tion Orders and ths% a
early af:reementshould be made with HABCOM to include the method
of del.ivcryby vendor to the government.
( 10)

Mortuary Facilities: Temporary mortuary facilities were pro-

vialedconsisting of a smell building equi~ped with a two cadaver

Select target paragraph3