of Tnsk Group 7.20

In many CP.SCSthis assisted in the rerouting

of misdiroctod supplies which were traccnblo to TOO mnrkings, Tho
follow-up action on T@3 requisitions w~s not olmrly dofinod and,


although a basic responsibility of tho rcquisitonins o.goncy,
this r.ctionwas ~.ssumcdby Task Group 7.2 in rmny instnncos when it
was known thnt u delay could impair the efficiency of tho usor~


efficiency of tho system could bo oosod if vicorous follow up action
would bo taken on each TOO roquisiton by J-4, JTF SEVEN. Experionco
factors from this oper~tion indicato th~t the roquircmonts of all
task groups should ba detorminod and roquisitons submitted nt leest
nine (9) months beforo the st~.rtof cn operation, Further indic~tions
nro th~t vehiculnr oquipmont to be used during an opor~tionnl period
should bo shipped to n.rrivein the Pncific Proving Ground no oorlier
than 6 months ond no lfitorthnn 3 months prior to the st~.rtof mn
(5) Disposition of Excesses: Aroviowvm.smndo

of all

tochnic~l sorvico property from 1 Soptcmbor 1955 to 31 Jcu_nvry1956.
As n result, excess supplies nnd equipment v~lucd P.to.pproximfitely

returnod%o the CONUS or transferred to the Property

Disposnl Officer.

Inter.h.n~ingof Supplies nnd Equipment: This

intorchnngc was oncmrcgcd throughout tho buildup ~nd opor~.tionnl
period to procludo requisitioning supplies which wore immodi~toly
avail~blo from Q locnl sourcog

Trsk Group 7.2 provided o considor-

ablo amount of sup~lies to the AEC Cantrnctor r.ndTnsk Group 7~L on
a roimbursablc or lo?n bfisiseven though in somo cases it brcught


.. .

Select target paragraph3