dependent upon the type, make, q~ntity and nodel of the equipnent
or vehicles involved$ they could not be computed similarly to normal housekeeping and office supplies. During the build-up phase,

Corps major items were req~sitioned by J-4, JTF SEVEN upon

advice fron the various task groups. Although Task &OUp

7.2 ~S

advised of all such requisitions, the makes and models were often
left to the discretion of the Chief&Q@

Officer, Department of

The Army or Bureau of Ships, Department of the Navy.

To counter-

act an imminent shortage of running spares, many of the items were
provided with six months spare parts,

However, spares for Or&ance

vehicles were not so provided andthe total nunber of vehicles to be
in use wfisnot . finalized until January 1956.

The make and serial

number of commercial vehicles was not known until the arrival of advance documents. There was a resultant shortage of sone spare parts.
This situation could hve

been alleviated if equipment ad


were furnished with spare parts kits based on lists prepared by the
Offices of the Chief of the respective Techni~l Services determined

type of usage and climatic conditions in the Pacific kroving

Ground and if assemblies and sub-assemblies were maintained and
stocked by TG 7.2 &sed on the density of the equipment or vehicle


Consumer Funding: DurinG October 1955, Task

Group 7.2 commenced requisitioning under the Consumer Funding fiogram.

However, since all Army units, world-wide, were placed on a

consumer funding basis as of 1 July 1955, the requisitions in the
pipeline were delayed as muchas

six months beyond the norml


Select target paragraph3