consolidated Froperty Account AP 330, was charged with the responsibility of furnishing the’tisk force in the Pacific Proving Ground
with Army equipment and common supplies (“ticeptFOL and subsistence).

In order

to fulfill the overall Depot mission, items

were generally maintained at a 180 day level which included a 120
day order and shipping time, plus 30 day supply and 30 day reserve
on hand. Normal requirements were requisitioned through bersea
Supply Agency, Fort Mason, California, with emergency requirements
requisitioned m

&waiian Army Ekme Command. Major items were re-

quisitioned by or through CJTF SEVEN since many of the requirements
of other task groups were not known.
The build-up for Operation REDWING commenced in May
1955 withan

initial computation of stock levels for supplies to

be furnished by the respective Technical Service, Final levels were
set for 4,000

personnel with a 10% overage factor to allow for con-

tangencies; interim period reqtirenents were based on a population
of 1,000.
Supplies and equipment fron the United States were forwarded to the Naval Supply Center, Oakland, California for surface
transportation. Air shipments were sent through Travis Air Force
Ease. All lift shipments were coordinated by JTF SEVEN Liaison Office, Oakland, California, and requests to expedite were directed
to that office. Tonnages are appended.10

Highlights and Problem hreas:
(1) Spare hrts:

10 - TI!BI

Since spare parts stock levels are



Select target paragraph3