by the Atoll Commander, assist the USAF ~lement in denying usc of
the ENIWETOK Island airfield to ene~, prevent eneqy seizure of

classified mat~rial and critical equipment~ and provide logistical
support within capabilities for all

units on ENI@TOK Island.

Natural Disaster Plarming:
The isolated geographical location of this command re-

quired constant vigilance and preparedness against high winds and
tides to protect task group personnel and equipment. Elements of
task force suifwed no losse8 or damage due to high winds and tides
during period covered by this report. None the less~ planning was
necessary, and that evolved by the CTG 7.2 established alert warning ProcedurM~ prescrib~d methods of Secur@

equipment established

areas of safety~ and arranged for the evacuation of endangered p@sonnel.

Emergency Personnel Evacuation and deentry Pla:~:
The necessity existed within the Pacific Proving Ground

to maintain a capability of emergency evacuation of endangered pcrsonnol in cvmt

of serious radioactive fall-out, typhoons, tidal

wave, or occurances of other types of natural disasters. The Commander Task Group 7.2 was assigned the responsibility by the Commander Joint Task Force SLVJN for the complete personnel evacuation of
ENIWETOL and JAPTAN Islands in event emergency coilditionsso dictated.
The task group therefore published detailed instructions, in coordina.
tion with otlierelements of the task forces for the expeditious
removal of all personnel from these two island sites on order of the
Comnander Joint Task Force SEVtiN. deentry of individuals and units

Select target paragraph3