of the Commander Joint Task Force SEVEN from the forward area
functioned as’i~tbll-Commander,
ENTWETOK. As such, he was responr

sible for the planning, execution and coordination of all defense
efforts of military units stationed within the Pacific Proving
During the interim and build-up periods the defense
plans of the CTG 7.2 as ATCOM, ENIWETUK, were based upon the concept that only %he island of ENIWETOK could be adequately and effectively be defended. Elements of the task force located on other
islands of LNIWETOK Atoll and at BIKINI Atoli were instructed to
prepare plans to defend themselves within their capabilities, prepare demolitions to destroy critical equipment, and standby for
emergency evacuation in event of attack by a hostile force. All




ENIWETOK Island wer~ directed to prepare

local defense plans within assigned areas. Weapons and ammunitions
were allocated based upon an overall coordinated fire plan.
gency rations and portable watar


distillation units were readied

and maintained on a stand-by basis.
Detailed dclcnse plans were maintained for Task Group
7.2 as an element of the Atoll Comand, ENIWETOK, for both interim
and operational periods. A mobile composite combat group was maintained in the Task Group consisting of a headquarters unit~ three
infantry rifle companies, a military police platoon, and a twenty9
five bed hospital unit. The mission of the task group was to defend assigned ground areas of ENlW13TOK-BIKilJi
Atolls as directed



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Select target paragraph3