cement pit abutment of the rifle range. A new rifle range was not
considered necessary in light of POR requirements that all persons
be qua3ified in an individual weapon

prior to movement overseas.

Command Inspections: The CTG 7.Z conducted formal.

inspections of troops, and detachment billeting areas hi-weekly
throughout the majority of build-up and operational periods. Periodic inspections of task group sections and activities were also
(5) Plans: Paragraph 2.

Training: Paragraph 3.

(?) fidiological Safety: Section VIII.
Each shot of Operation ltQWING was announced to task
group personnel in the form of special instructions. In addition,
a basic publication entitled ttTaskGroup ?.2 Pre-Shot Evacuation,
Reentry and Muster Orderllwas ptilished as a guide and was applicable
throughout the entire operatiord period. This order was supplemented prior to each shot by anllppendix (Shot Check List), and an Lnnex
(Pre-Shot Order), to insure inclusion of current instructions from
LACROSSE: (Initial ENIWETOK Atoll Shot)
ILground shot detonated on the island of RUNIT (YVONNE), EN’IAtoll,

at 062S+M, s May 19s6.


TG ?.2 personnel were

required to assemble on the lagoon side of the island to witness
the shot and receive safety instructions announced over the public
address system. The shot was clearly visible from this vantage

Select target paragraph3