ceedcd by this action.
Several S-j section activiti~s, areas of responsi.biliti.s, and projects of interest requiring desdopmerit and action


during this periods were as follows:

(1) Proposed deduction of ArrqyGarrison: In the in-

terest of economy, both infields of finance and manpower, the CTG
7.2 WaS requested on sev~ral occasions by JTF 5LVLN to comment upon

and offer recommendations regarding the withdrawal of the Am



ment from the PPG during the interim p.’riods. Command discussion
initially took place r.gardtig this subject in December 19SS at the
time the CJTF SEVLN was insp~cting the forward area, and during the
visit of a D~partment of the A~

G-3 representative dispatched to

the PPG for this specific purpose. In May 19S6 the CTG 7.2 submitted definite rccommndations to HQ JTF SEVEN for the withdrawal
of the major portion of th~ A~

element from the task force.

(2) Ammunition and Weapons Allocation: Weapons and
ammunition wme

allocated to the task group in bulk based upon op-

erational requirements imposed by assigned missions. Internal security and defense plans required distribution of these items to
troop levels for training purposes, and for imediate accessibility
in case of cmurgmcies.

tinges: danges for the firing of weapons during

this period were limited to an improvised pisto~ range, and one
well constructed p~rmanent type skeet range. In September 19.5’s
rain and high tides e~.usedthe collapse of target llAtl
frames and













Select target paragraph3