
a. 1’JIission:


The mission of the S-3 section was to plan, coordinate, and supervise functions pertaining to organization


ing and operations of tnc task group. Staff supervision was exercised over the historian, and over troop information znd education activities, including Armed Forces dadio Station WXL&.

Garrison Phase:
At the conclusion of Operation CASTLE all elements of

the task group remaining in the Pacific proving Ground entered into
the garrison phase of the interim period assuming normal base functions necessary for the efficient operation of the installation on
EN1~iETOKIsland. This period encompassed the roll-up phase following the CASTLi operation, and as a prelude to succeeding operations
in the Pacific, offered an opportunity for officers of the task
group tostuily,evaluate and establish preparatory plans for dEJIWING.
Elements of the task group continued to support the Atomic Energy
Commission during the interim period.
The S-3 section tivolvedplans during the interim garrison phase for the protection of personnel and equipment in event
of natural disasters, initiated the organization and training of a
combat company in support of CINCPAC GhOP 11-53 defense requirements,
provided technical cov~rage in radiological safety for task group
personnel, and continued to guide policy matters of the Information
and Education center on dNIWETOK Island. A limited troop training


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