SOP 205-7, d~tod 23 Lb.rch1956, outlined tho identification systcm
to be omploycd in tho PPG duri~

Opor-tion R~WING

and cstmblishad

a bndgo o.ndtomporp.ryltiitcd ~rcn permit system controlling tho
traval of pcrsonnol within and bctwoon BIKINI nnd Ei!lIWETOK
Tho instructions for roquosting badges roquirod by mombors of tho
task force woro proscribed in SOP 205-6, dntod 31 Jmmrry 19560 All
bndgos and Torrtpornry
Limited AI-onPermits utulizod by Tnsk Group 7.2
woro procoss by the S2 Section,7

Temporary duty milit~.rypolico

wore utilized ot all exit and ox-drypoints nt both BIKINI and ENWETOK,
to onforco


identification nnd travel control system in complinnccr

with diroctivos set forth by Commndor JTF SEVEN and Commmdcr T~sk
Group 7*5.


Indoctrination. All personnel upon their

arrivnl in tho forward ares.wcro



ing orphr.sizingthe importonco of self-imposed mcil

P.security briefcensorship nnd

the regulations governing prohibited items in the PI%,
ing was dosign~dto

This brief-

givo the individu.-la guido to follow until such

time ?.sn more thorough security indoctrinationwas n.dministercdbv
his essignod unit. Ml

pcrsorumlwcro roquircd to accomplish the

ll~nsicSecurity Indoctrination” in r.ccordanccwith JTF SEVEN SOP 205-1,
Officers of Tnsk Group 7.2 signed a ccrtificntc stnting thny they
had rend and undorstond the provisions of tho Indoctrination Gnd
onlistod men took an open book type tpst upon runding tho Indoctrination~
All personnel dop?rting from th~
7 - TABG


Select target paragraph3