arrival of Task Group 7.3 in March, 1956, Navy Chaplains assumed
responsibility for conducting religious services at BIKINI.


Two outdoor theaters were availatileto per-

sonnel on ENIWETOK Island. Film procurinentpermitted the showing of
a new movie each night,

The Terrace Theater, witha

seating capacity

of approximately 900, was in operation throughout the interim and
operational period.

The Starlite Theater, which seats approximately

600, opened in February 1956, ~


admission fee of $.15 was charged

with proceeds going to the Central Post Fund to cover film costs and
operating expenses. Fil.mswere furnished @

the UWLRPAC Film Exchange

and in March 1956 additional arrangements were made for films for the
Air Force weather stations.

Ser’vitaClub. The Service @ub was well attended during

both the interim and operational periods, This club has a game room
with pool tables, ping pong tables, shuffle board, TV set and piano.
The club building houses a snack bar operated by the Post Exchange,
a 10,000 volume library, I&E classrooms, and the offices of the Special Services Officer, I&E Officer, and the American Red Cross Director,

The Patio of the club wss used for religious services while the

new chapel was being built.

Television. ~~television transmitting station was opened

on PARRY Island in May 1956.

Twelve television receiver sets were pur-

chased from Special Services appropriated funds and distributed to the
Service Club and to Army, Navy, and Air Force units.

Hobby Shop,

The Hobby Shop was utilized by a large num+

ber of personnel throughout this period, Services offered included


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