
(2) In numerious instances personnel were not sufficiently qualified in positions for which requisitioned. It is

essential in an organization such as this that replacements be qwlified for their jobs since inter-organizationaltransfers are not possible.
(3) The Table of Distribution did not authorize sufficient personnel in all sections. Certain activities~ such as the
Post Office, Post Exchange and Finance Office, were supplemented with
personnel during the height of the operation in order to perform necessary service.

Records and Reports, There were no unusual problems en-

countered in maintaining records or preparing reports.

The emphasis placed on maintaining high troop morale, the

prompt disciplinary action taken in cases warranting action, and the
. alertness of the Provost Marshal in crime detection resulted ina
high state of troop discipline and morale throughout the period of
There were three special courts-martial and six summary

this report.

courts-mrtial cases. Delinquency reports received from the Provost
Marshal pertaining to other thanTask Group 7.2 personnel were sent to
the various task groups for appropriate action. The overall incident.


rate was proportionately low both prior to and during the operation.
Morale and Personnel Services:


In view of the isolation of this station, and the absence of
dependents and normal off post community activities, a special effort
uae rmde to furnish excellent morale and personnel services. The

,. .,


















Select target paragraph3