atten~nce at movies.

This action increased the availability of non-

appropriated funds but it was still necessary to operate on a small
budget. During the operation, ample funds became available from the
Central Post Fund and immediate steps were taken to procure much
needed supplies and equipment, In addition to the early shortage
of nonappropriated funds, the order and shipping time for obtaining
supplies and equipment from appropriated funds proved unsatisfactory,
In October 1955$ lmsed &n instructions from the Task Force} req@sitions totaling $18,000 of appropriated funds were placed for Special
Service supplies and equipment through the Adjutant General, Department of the Army.



of these supplies and equipment ordered

for use during fiscal year 1956, were not received during the operation. An adequate Special Service program was carried out only by
careful rationing of the 1955 stocks supplemented by purchases from
the Central Post Fund.

In the future, release of funds to the Task

Group with authority to purchase items direct from vendors would be
appropriate if order and shipping time cannot be reduced.
In P“y 1956, USARPAC informed this headquarters that only

cinemascope films would be available after 1 August 1956?


tion was taken to modify the screens of the Terrace and Starlite
?heaters to .accomodatecinemascope and to procure necessary equi~ent
for the projectors.
The Chaplains held services in temporary facilities from
January to JulY 1956.

The old chapel was razed on 7 January and

construction of the new chapel, on the same ground was not started



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