

continued to exist dl.lring
this period, with mut?.1agreements bein~
reached in all areas requirin~ coordin?.tioil.


Operetionel Phase:
DurinG the operational phase, TG 7.2 functioned under

the organizational structure in effect during the build-up period.
This organization functioned efficiently and effectively thrcu=hout the opere.tion. /,smilit~ry police requirements were reduced,


SO~thN.P :lnw.rc returned to their
surplus personnel of ‘iompmy ‘lC1l,
permmcnt duty st~tion in the ZI.

On 15 LDril 19s6 the ENIWETOK

Nmry Boat Pool Detachment reverted to operational control of CTG 7.3.
Rear Mmiral

B, FAallHa.nlon,USN, Comnmndcr, Joint Task

Force S3VENJ ?.rrivedin the Pacific provinG Ground on 20 ~Lpril1956
end ?ssumed responsibilities as ATCOM, ENIH”i’OK. (CJTF SEVEN mes.

sqje 20061Js22). 1.t this time the Joint Task Force became operational
in the forwmd



Roll-up requirements of TG 7.2 did not recessit?.tere-

or~anization or the establishment of provisional units to accomplish the mission. The organiz~tional structure during buildU-Oand operational phases continued during the roll-up period.


Reestabl shment of Garrison Forces:
On 23 JUIY 1956, the T~.skForce H=dqu.=ters closed o’:t

in the forwerciarea end opened simultmcously in !~ashington,D.C.
At this time, the Command.r, Task Group 7.2, assumed ai.ditianal
responsilliliti;sas Ltoll Commandw, ENIJETO? (~iTCOYi).(CJTF
P22192~Z) Interim missions outlined in CJTF SEVEN


Select target paragraph3