control of CJTF SEVEN iurin~ the interim Period~ =d

as ‘~lch‘P’s

the chief coordinator and agynt for CJTF SEVEN in the forward area.
DurinC the interim wriod

the Navy Boat pOOl ‘et~c~ent remained a

unit of JTF SEVEN under control of the ~,tollCommander (CTG 7.2).
Upon inactivation of TG 7.4, folloting c~.s~

op~rationsj the ~r

force element (h930th SG (T)) remaining at E~J~@TOK Island was reassigned for operational control to the ~~irForce Special Weapons
Command (~R%JC) at Kirtland Air Force Base.

This complicated, to

some extent, the coordination of PPG activities; however the majority of problems involvins Y-TCO1!
and the 4930th SG (T) as pertained
to routine post garrison duties~ and CINCPIC GEL? 11-53 Ltoll defense plans, were resolved by local agreement.

Task Group 7.2 retained the sane organization during the

build-up period for operation REDWING as established by CJ?l?SEVEIJ
cn 1 July 1955.Z

The ~rmy element was wgmented in February and

March 19S6 by the attachment of Company ~fC1l,
sOSth Military Police
Battalion, consisting of 8 offic=s and 25’2enlisted men.


primary mission of this unit was to insumintcrn?:l security of the
PPG and to guard c.rtain established exclusion areas. On 21 Jan=
UarY 1956 the ~600 JY, 2nd 1.SADetachment, arrived in the forward
area and was attached to TG 7.2 for administrative and lo~istical
support. Opmationd

control of this unit was vested in CJTF SE’~EN.

The build-up period brou~ht about the reestablishment and
activation of other task group elements of the Task Force, and the
movement of their advance echelons to the PPG.

Harmonious relctions


Select target paragraph3