Health Physics

national capital today and was home to about one-third of
the population of the southern atolls m 1958, while the
mid-latitude atolls are best represented by Kwayalem,
which was home to about one-quarter of the total
Marshall Islands population during the testmg years Our
radiological findmgs for the southern atolls and midlatitudeatolls along with ourradiological findings for the
Utnk commumty and for the Rongelap Island commumity (both from the northern atolls) capture the range of
exposures received by Marshallese at all atolls In the
case of Utrk and Rongelap, we define the “community”
to be those exposed to fallout from the Bravo test on
Utnk and Rongelap, respectively, and who were evacuated after the Bravo test Our findings illustrate the
geographic pattern as well as provide atoll and atoll-

group estimates of contammation, organ dose, and cancer

risk as well as the dependence on age at exposure
Fallout activity deposited on the ground

As discussed m Beck et al (2010), a complete review

of various lustorical and contemporary deposition-related
data, some available only m gray literature (eg, governmentlaboratory reports and mternal agency and laboratory
memoranda, supplemented by meteorological analyses)
was used to make judgments regarding whichtests deposited fallout m the Marshall Islands and to estimatefallout
deposition density and fallout transit times, otherwsie
known as times-of-arrival (TOAs) In some mstances, tt

was necessary to use the results of a well-established
model of atmospheric transport and deposition (Moroz et
al 2010) to corroborate or contradict our mitial assumptionson the occurrence of fallout on particularatolls after
certain tests The various types of data reviewed for

August 2010, Volume 99, Number 2

“Cs activities remammg m the soil as measured by

imvestigators in 1978 (Tipton and Meibaum 1981, Robison et al

1997) and m 1991-1993 (Simon and Graham

1997) This comparison was used to demonstrate the

validity of our estimatesoftotal '”Cs deposition density
Ouratoll-specific cumulative '*’Cs estimates were found
to be in excellent agreement with contemporary measure-

ments of °’Cs m soil (Beck et al 2010)

Our estimates for the °’Cs deposition density and

for the corresponding TOAat eachatoll and for each of
20 mdividual tests are presented m tabular form by Beck

et al (2010) Ourbest estimates of the cumulative "Cs

deposition density from all tests, with 90% uncertamty
ranges, are presented im Table 5 and the geographic
pattern of total fallout deposition 1s illustrated m Fig 2

The cumulative "’Cs deposition densites are much
greater on northern atolls (e g , Rongelap and Rongerik)
than on mid-latitude atolls (e g , Kwayalem) or southern

atolls (eg, Mayuro) Table 5, as can be noted, also

provides estimates of deposition separately for southern
and northern islands in Kwayjalem Atoll and m Rongelap
Atoll The deposition densities differed by about 20%
between south and north islands of Kwayalem but more
than three trmes between islands of south and north
Rongelap Atoll (Table 5), reflectmg differences in deposition due either to the large size of the atoll (Kwayalem), or, m the case of Rongelap, to the position of the

Bravo debnis cloud trajectory relative to location of
individual 1slands mtheatoll
The estimates of radionuclide deposition density,
fractionation, and transit trmes reported m Beck et al
(2010) allowed estrmations of both external and internal

dose to representative persons as described m companion

estimating deposition mcluded measurements of “’Cs


contemporary), historical measurements of exposure rate
followmg imdividual tests derived from aerial surveys,
ground surveys and contmuous-reading monitormg de-

Radiation doses

and other radionuclides m soi (both historical and

vices (strrp-chart recorders), and historical measurements

of beta activity collected on gummed film durmg the
years of nuclear testing

As noted earlier, the estrmated doses came from
three sources of exposure (1) external 1rradiation from

fallout deposited on the ground, (2) mternal irradiation
from acute radionuchde mtakes immediately or soon
after deposition of fallout from each test, and (3) mternal

For each atoll, fallout TOAs and the estimated

irradiation from chrome intakes of radionuchdes resultimg from the contmuous presence of long-hved radionuchdes m the environment

of ***9py Examples of deposition densities of 24 of

External doses. The doses from external 1rradiation
arose from gamma rays emitted during radioactive decay
of the fallout radionuchdes durmg the passage of the
radioactive cloud or after deposition on the ground
Doses received during the passage of the radioactive
cloud are generally msignificant compared to those
dehvered after deposition of fallout on the ground
Exposure durmg cloud passage was implicitly included

fractionation of fallout were used to estrmate deposition
density for 63 activation and fission products from each
nucleartest, plus the cumulative deposition overall tests
these radionuchdes are presented m Beck et al (2010)

The estimated total '*’Cs activities deposited byall

tests from this analysis, after appropriate decay to account for the effective decay rate (radiological plus
weathermg) m the Marshall Islands and a correction for
global fallout from non-Marshall Islands tests, were

compared with contemporary measurements of the total

Select target paragraph3