
Considering the atoll as a whole, and the three successive
test series, the evidence from Figure 2 suggests that the 1956
serles contributed not more than 1/100 as much radioactivity as

the original 1294 faliout, and the 1958 series, not more than
L/estn as much as tie 1956 series.
it} lsu concluded that tie nerthern part of Rongelap Atoll

_reseived a heavier taullout from the March 1, 1954 detonation at
Brrind taw cia che southern pert.

In contrast,

the relatively

Slicat Callout from laser deton tions affected the soukthern


thin the northern partis of the atoll,

as is evidenced by

fae hi sier levels of radiozctivity at Rongelap Island than at
Kearecle Island.


Select target paragraph3