atgeeted tae

Southern more wnan tne nortnern part of Rongelap Atoll.

Samples tuf7o-77 of plankton collected July 1956 from the Rongelap
Islan: vicinity of honselap Lagoon were more radioactive when first
couns-C one insnta after collecting than the corresponding sample
from the lagoon near Kecelle Island.


Island cumples (4077) was anor 2}

One of tne Rongelap

to 9 times more radioacthe than

tue over two Sumples 410 ae teyeu most rapidly of those studied.

Witain o wacks it wus less tian haif (.44) as actse as when first
counte.., wilde tne ot.:er tvo Bultples CGecayed only to32.5 “:6 of their
Origvini: vilues.

When recounted as much

as a year still later,

this sa ole that had originally been tne highest of the three was
leasu ruttoiuctive of all,

tiucs verif,ing its earlier rapid decay.

tne ctner hongelap Isiund sample,

also, had decayed more

tnan in.i cAtaer of the Kacelie Isiand samples.


Teeay Of Marsh 1359 samples was negligible during the two months
Jeptemteor to November 1l,5c,


wnile August 1958. samples decayed

duriin, 01 monta of Novemper 1353 fairly rapidly,

Of atous 2.95 Gars,

tnus supportin,: the assumption that the incressed

were aturiuutebvie




with a half-life

to the Harautack series of detonations.

Tne rate of cecay Of tue samples collected in 1954 was less
Stecp Cian the rave of deciine of rudiouctivity in Rongelap Lagoon

Da Fissure

> bie veeax olopes of curves 1 to 2 range from

el. LO uw maxiinun Ol -c.4+,



lle fa Pisgure €,

even in tie steep portion from 060 to 1740

the ceeline slope shown by the dotted iine


Select target paragraph3