-3Several items of general interest were presented to the Committee by
Drs. Dunham, Totter and Bruner of the DBM and by Dr. Doran of the Division

of Operational Safety.

Dr. Dunham called attention to 1) the recent

Federal Radiation Council report on uranium miners.This will be discussed
at the June meeting; 2) the proposed contraction of the high altitude and
civil effects programs; 3) the conclusion by an informal panel that there
seems to be no strong indication at present for meson applications in radiobiology and therapy; 4) the candidacy of Dr. Isadore Edelman foi che
directorship of the UCLA Project; 5) the appointment of Dr. Victor Bond
as Associate Director of Brookhaven National Laboratory, and of Dr. Eugene
Cronkite as Chairman of its Medical Department; 6) the present status of
the Rongelap thyroid tumor survey by Dr. Conard.
Dr. Totter reviewed the recent Bio-Medical Program Directors! meeting
at Livermore.
He emphasized that the Livermore program now appears to be
focused on fall-out problems in a rather unique way.
He also summarized
briefly the AEC's cole in the International Science Fair which was held
on May 10 in San Francisco.
The present status


the Palomares


(code name,

idalo) was

reviewed by Dr. Sruner.
There is some question as to whether t\.. detectable radioactivity is due entirely to plutonium or in large par. to natural
sources and this matter will be considered in greater detail ac the June
meeting of the ACBM,

Dr. Doran reported on the purpose, nature,-and progress of the

correlative study of lifetime health and mortality experience of ARC and
AEC-contractor employees with radiation exposure.
He emphasized the
cohort nature of the study and the desirability of enlarging the foliow~-up
by including additional AEC-supported groups.
The ACBM endorsed this
proposal, particularly in the light of the possiblity of different
exposure histories at various installations.
The ACBM was advised by Dr. Totter of the correspondence between
Dr. C. Calsoyas, a former Livermore employee, and the Commission.
Jt was
proposed that this matter should be reviewed with Dr. Spofford English
at the June meeting.

The Minutes of the 117th meeting were approved after deletion of the
inserted reference to the presentation by Dr. T. Jukes. The 119th meeting

will be held in Washington on June 8-9, 1967.
A three-day meeting may be
_desirable and Dr. Totter will advise the Committee about this.
September meeting is scheduled for September 7-8 in Washington.
Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Harvey M. Patt
Harvey M. Patt, Scientific Secretary
Advisory Committee for Biology and


Select target paragraph3