

The only contaminated soil to be removed as part of Cleanup

is that which is contaminated with plutonium and its decay products. AU
basicassumption of the Cleanup Plan is that the AEC Enewetak Radiological Survey (AEC Report NVO-140, Oct 73) located ail significant areas of
such contamination.

The Survey did not investigate every "square inch"

of the Atoll; however, a random-sampling method was employed which was
biased to increase sampling frequency in areas suspected of being contaminated because they were previously surface ground zeros and/or in
fallout patterns, and in areas which were considered likely to be
inhabitated someday.

Sufficient samples were taken and analyzed from

other areas such that the probability of any significant "hot spots"
being missed is considered negligibly small.

In other words, the Survey

will be accepted as an authoritative source for having identified all
areas potentially requiring plutonium—contaminated soil removal and no
additional areas or "hot spots" are expected nor will any be searched
for intentionally.

Onlyifadditionalevidence is forthcomingwill

other areas be investigated for plutonium contamination.



Areas will be investigated as potentially requiring soil

Cleanup only if the Survey reported them to have plutonium at concentrations greater than 40 pCi/g.

Further, the numerical concentration

valucs reported in NVO-140 will be the deciding factor irregardless of


Select target paragraph3