Richard LL. Williams


The following is an update of progress since last March:

A map has been prepared showinr terrestrial external

radiation levels for a number of locations in the
This use of the term terrestrial means that
this source of radiation exposure for the U.S. population includes the naturally occurring radioactivity
contained in soil and rocks, plus fallout, but excludes cosmic radiation.
This information will permit
comparison of external radiation levels from fallout
for the survey islands and atolls presented in March
with external radiation levels in the United States.


Summary information is being prepared piving average
xternal radiation levels contributed by fallout from
nuclear testing for each island surveyed.
This data
will be available in August 1975.
A summary sheet
of these data is being prepared for each of the 13
islands and atolls surveyed.


The specific radionuclides contributing to external


Graphic material is being produced that shows the
location and narie of each survey island keyed to the
data on island extermal radiation levels in item 2

radiation levels have now been identified for each
island surveyed.


The following schedule is provided to indicate when results
of the analysis of data are expected to be completed, and

when formal reports of the survey are anticipated:


Status information - March '79 (already provided).


Status information update - July ‘79 (this letter).


External Radiation

Summary report - January-March


Finel report with all graphics - July-September ‘80.


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