
binoculars, signaling devices (signaling guns or lights, flares, etc.) radio
transmitters, fireworks, intoxicants, and narcotics. Cameras and binoculars

may be stored in Honolulu in accordance with paragraph 13 below.


Each individual is authorized sixty-five (65) pounds of personal baggage for

travel overseas via military and/or commercial aircraft. Fersonal baggage in
excess of this limitation may not be taken aboard military and/or commercial
aircraft. Should an individual be required to carry official equipment, it
must be requested by his supervisor and so authorized in his orders. However,
individuals will not be granted an additional baggage authorization to carry
additional personal baggage.

Each individual is authorized to ship at government expense a certain amount
of unaccompanied hold baggage. Each officer and officer grade civilian is

authorized three hundred fifty (350) pounds of such baggage and each enlisted
man and enlisted grade civilian is authorized two hundred (200) pounds of such
baggage. This baggage will in most instances be shipped via water transportation. Hold baggage should be shipped approximately 6 weeks before it is
required in the forward area.

It is recommended that hold baggage be kept at an absolute minimum because of
operational requirements. Rugged hand luggage of the military canvas type is


4 bulletin of this headquarters, dated January 9, 1952, entitled "Transportation"
contains the following instructions for marking of personal baggage for ship-

ment .to the forward area:


Footlockers and trunks will be stenciled on at least three (3) surfaces

as follows:




To: Port Transportation Officer (b)
San Francisco, California

FOGS - 132.2
Name: 1st, Middle initial,



Grade (in case of military}
Service Number (in case of military)
Weight and cube
Green "x"

Duffel bags, flying bags, bedding rolls, etc., will be stenciled as pre-e
scribed above, except each container will be marked only on one side.
Hand baggage will be tagged.

Select target paragraph3