atoll transportation base support, maintenance and communica-

ticns services and security.


That JTF 132 task force and

task group staffs be retained to plan Castle, with normal rotation of personnel as required.


That the Services, in pro-

gramming for Castle consider the reassignment to JTF 132 of

tnose ships and aircraft modified and instrumented for Ivy at
substantial expense.
Operation Castle may involve testing as many as three fisSivn experimental weapons of the order of 50 kilotons

One of the fission-tjpe weapons may be air dropped.

If possible,

Simultaneous preparations will be made for each shot in order to
permit optimum use of favorable weather conditions.


preference is to test tne thermonuclear device last.

Even if vost-Ivy radiation levels should permit early construction on the northern islands of Eniwetok, and significant

damage to base facilities does not occur, testing one thermonuclear and several fission weapons during one operation at
Eniwetok presents cozplications i:. construction and time.


fore present planning contemplates the possible use ofBikini
for tne Castle thermonuclear shot and Eniwetok for the fission

Bikini presenis liniting factors for weather selection

because of Rad-Safety consideraticzns but has advantages in that
it is near Eniwetok and uninhabited.



Select target paragraph3