
Operational Requirements - Aircraft and Ships
Most of the operational requirements for aircraft and naval

vessels for Operation Ivy scientific programs have been determined

anc requested from the Joint Task Force.

The various modifications

required for aircraft participating in the scientific experiments
have been coordinated with TG 132.4.

Certain ship modifications

nave been requested and are presently being carried out at the
Mare Island Naval Snipyard.

It is considered that except for

last-minute revisions the operational requirements for both aircraft



ni ships are firm and no difficulty is expected.

Most of the modi-

ications are presentl: being performed and are expected to be com-

pleted prior to movement to the Forward Area.


Radiclogical Sefety
Studies of the scientific and military programs of Operation

Ivy indicate a larse

demand for helicopter recovery and radiological:

satety; survey curing periods when high contamination is expected.
Iz has been recommended that additional helicopter pilots be made
availacle because of the fact that helicopter pilots may receive
rediation dosase approaching the maximum permissible levels.

Technical Photosrapny

A new requirement for photographic documentation of gross
Gamage effects on Department of Defense structures and other items
has been approved by the Joint Task Force.

The purpose of this

photography is to determine the gross effects on the existing Army
structures on the island of Engebi and on other items of interest

+o the Department of Defense.

Two representatives of the Office,




Select target paragraph3