The radiation integrating instruments designed and built by Pel of
LASL (Watts) for the T-33A jet fighter proved to be very satisfactory
during Tumbler-Snapper.
radiation exposures to a

Wita these instruments it was possible to control

10 per cent correspondence witn film badge

The integrating instruments designed for the F=-84G for use. on

Ivy demonstrated a number of minor faults which made them subject to
frequent failure.

These difficulties are being investigated by Pel

and will be corrected by the time the instruments are used on Ivy.
The new-type fuel-carrying wing tank filters snowed an improvement
in sampling performance over the old type.

In several shots these new

filter tanks allowed samples to be obtained when conditions were such
tnat no samples would nave been obtained with the old units.

and F~84G units were satisfactory as filter equipment.

Both Te#33A

The new=type

transport equipment for the filter panels worked well and provided
adequate shielding.

This equipment can be used without change on Ivy.

Studies on the use of protective clothing for crew members exposed
to radioactivity are being actively pursued.

Calculations are being

reviewed on the basis of recent guesses as to relative amounts of highyield radioactive species which will be present in the cloud.


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Select target paragraph3