Familisrization with equipment used on Tumbler-Snapper and

detection of methods of improvement were a valuable part of the
training program for Operation Ivy.

Some of the equipment operated

satisfactorily and will be used on Ivy without change. Other equip~ ~
ment will require further laboratory testing and radical modification
prior to its use in Ivy.


Transport Dewar and Cryogenic Operational Tyass
Cambridge Corporation has participated in several filling

and test convoy runs with the transport dewars.

Tests have been


conducted both at Boulder and at Los Alamos on six of the dewars to
be used in Operation Ivy.


Careful studies of boil-off rates, hazards

of operation, techniques for convoying, and operating characteristics
Several minor problems


Corporation took part in the cryogenics tests at Los Alamos and the
dewar's capability to transport liquid hydrogen over long distances


were discovered and minor modifications accomplished.



of the refrigeration system have been made.

was demonstrated.

system were conducted in June.

These tests included trial hydrogen

fillings of the reflux system.

The piping system is being revised

as a result of the experience gained in the filling operations.
Another hydrogen filling is scheduled for July.

At this time the

piping layout will duplicate the proposed Eniwetok layout as closely

as possible.

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Select target paragraph3