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required to process a clearance from the date the clearance request

is submitted to AEC until the date the "Q"~clearance is granted.


It is expected that this time will be reduced since there

is a decrease in the backlog of individuals to be cleared.
The status as of 15 June of Holmes and Narver personnel
clearance is as follows:

Number of "P"-approved personnel on overseas payroll

Number of "Q"-cleared personnel on overseas payroll

Number of "P"-approved personnel in the home office




Number of "Q"-cleared personnel in the home officé




Tumbler-Snapper Training


Operation Tumbler-Snapper which was completed@uring this
report period provided excellent training for many of the personnel
concerned with Operation Ivy.

Many of the ideas and methods and

much of the equipment were tested under field conditions.

The results

are now being evaluated and several revisions of the Ivy program may

be attributed to lessons learned at Nevada.

These revisions will be

discussed in some detail in the Test Programs portion of this install-

ment (Sec. VII).
The F-84G aircraft participation in cloud sampling missions

during Operation Snapper gave first-hand experience for those who
will fly cloud penetrations during Operation Ivy.

Studies of the

dependence of airplane contamination on surface treathent and studies

of major sources of background radiation after cloud penetration were

The results of these studies will be applged to decreasing the

background radiation on the F-8kG's on Ivy.

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