It is an irony of history that the U.N. Trust Agreement binds
the United States both to ‘protect the health of the inhabitants’ and ‘protect
the inhabitants against the Icss of their iand or resources.’

to a certain island in Bikini Atoll. It

was claimed that the people will not
receive doses above the federal radiation standards if they import 50 percent of their food and spend no more
_than 10 percent of their time on
Bikini Island, approximatelysix miles


It is an irony of history that the
United Nations Trust Agreement
binds the United States both to
‘‘protect the health of the inhabitants’’ and “‘protect the inhabitants against the loss of their

land or resources.’’*°

With medical examinations and
environmental surveys by doctors
and scientists independent of the

U.S. government, combined with a

thorough education program on
radiation, at least the diagnosis and
treatment of the Marshallese will
improve. But unless the independent
scientific community in the United
States becomes more involved in the
health problems on these islands, it
is likely that the inhabitants will
serve primarily as a source for U.S.
government research into the effects
of radiation on human populations.O
1. Edward Martell to Theodore Mitchell
(Micronesian Legal Service Corporation
Dec. 9. 1974.
2. Defense Nuclear Agency, ‘"Fact
Shect—hLaewetak Operation © (Washington,
DC.: ova, April PYsy),
3. KHON PV-2 ntersiew with Paul Udell,
Honolulu, March [usd
4. Floyd Takeuchi. Pactfig and Astin Af
fairs Seminar, Honolulu, June 18, 1950




7. Rosalie Bertell to U.S
Sidney Yates. June 6. 1980.

a et

The Pavers
af the Vioridwatch Institute


The Institute is ar ingeoendent,
son-proit researcn organization
crealed to ana.yze and to focus
attention on worid problems.

8. Glenn H. Alcalay to Congressman Sidney Yates. June 24, 19389.
9. General Accounting Office. “*Enewetak
Atoli—Cleaning Up Nuclear Contamination,”
PSAD 79-54 (May &. 1979).

1 Nuclear Power: The Fifth
forseman by Denis Hayes. Details

19. Atomic Energy Commission, '* Report

tne issues to oe faced if we increase
our use of nuctear rower: enviran-

of Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate the
Radtologteal Hazards of Resettlement of Br
kint Atoll” (1969).

mental impact, availability of uranium,

1t. Ralph Waltz to Guff Johnson, Majuro.

economics, safety, proliferation and
terrorism. 64 pages.

12. Robert A. Conard, “The Radiological

2 Eneray: The case for Con-

Marshall Islands. June 1979.

Status of the Pikim People: A Summary Report” (Upton, N.Y.: Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Sept. 20. 1978).
13. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
“Dose Assessment at Bikint Atoll” UcCRLS879 (June &. 1977) pt. 5 ~ Bikini Islanders
Want to Stay There.” Washington Post, April

servation by Denis Hayes. Reports

tnat more than naif tre enercy tne U.S.


yet this appears to have been a major

contributor to the alarming rate of
problems at Rongelap. Utirik and
other islands. At Bikini it was the
reason for evacuating the peaple in
1978, and who can guarantee the future of the Enewetak people?
Moreover, in October !980 the
Department of Energy stated thatit is
now safe for the Bikinians to return

aria lsia
‘ he | tea we CED Gl ba

3, 1980.

14. Conard, ‘* Radiological Status.”
1S. Konrad P. Kotrady. “The Brookhaven
Medical Program to Detect Radituon Effects a
in Marshallese People: A Companson of the
People’s vs. the Program’s Attitudes” (Jan. (.
1977), unpublished but available from Miicronesia Support Committee, 1212 University


food chain is not well understood.

§. “Enewetak Islanders Plan Return,”

Honolulu Star Bulletin. Sept. 26, 1979.
6. Problems Unresolved on Enewetak
Atoll.” Honolulu Star Bulleun, March 76,

Ave., Honolulu, H! 96826.

3 Aepairs Reuse Recycling—First
Steps Towara a Zustainasie £ociety vy Denis Hayes. in uqntot poutical. energy and environmentai constramts on our future uce of virgin
miatenas, recycling must recome a
centrat organizing princ:p:e in industral societies. 4% paces.

4 Inflation: The Rising Cost of

Fuller The author views inflation as a
symptem of a growing imbalance oe-

tween soaring human demands and
-he resources to satisty then.
He suggests steps Government and individuals can take to deal witn the
sources of rising prices. 48 pages.

shall Islands. July 1979.

18. Lewis Strauss, taped press conference.
1984 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives,

19. Robert A. Conard and others. ““Sum-

mary of Thyroid Findings in Marshallese 22
Years after Exposure to Radtoactive Fallout.” No. 21924 (Upton. N.Y. Brookhaven
National Luboratory, 1976).
20. Kotrady,’*Brookhaven Medical Program."
2t. Philadelphia Inquirer. “Who Knows
HowLong They tl Take To Show,” April 20,
22. Conard and others. “A Twenty Year
Review of Medical Findings in a Marshallese
Population Accidentally Exposed to Radioaelive Fallout” (Upton, N.Y.: Brookhaven Naonal Laboratory. 1975).
23. U.S. Department of berey. Northem Marshall Islands Aerial R diation Survey,
September to November 1978 7°
24. Micronesian Independent, “The 2* 000
Year Question.” June 6, 1980.
25. KRotrady. ““Brookhasem Medtcat Program.”
26. United Nations. fristeestip Avreemeat tar the Priest lermtory of the Pagiie fslands (New York: U.N. Trusteeship Council,

consumes Is wasted. Conservation in
certain 2reas coulu meet our energy
neeas for the next 25 years. 77 pages.

Living on 2 Smaii Planet by Robert

16. Conard, ** Radiological Status.”
17. John Anjain. Magistrate of Rongelap
Atoll 1950-65 to Giff Johnson. Ebeye. Mar-

5 Food or Fuel: New Competition
for the Ylorid's Cropland by Lester

Brown. Discusses tne tecnnology and
economics of agriculturally based
alcohol tuel Initiatives to increase its

Production and use may drive prices
upward so that the price of oil may
soon determine the price of fooa.

43 pages.

cach caper—S$2 09 postage paid.
Outsise U S ana Canada —$4.00

Dlease write for re-uticle copy prices for
any one ute and for complete list of 32
iva ladle nttes

aA te WS

States. Similarly, exposure through

concentration of radiation in the

Order From:
of the Atomics Scientisis


Unicaga, hunois ovo /



December 1580

Vhe Bulletin of the Atomic Sctentists 29

Select target paragraph3