

Chapter IT


Bernard Brodie




Under conditions existing before the atomic Bead,if/was possible to con~
template methods of air defense keeping pace with and perhaps even outdistancing
the means of offense.

Long-range rockets baffled the defense, but they were

extremely expensive per unit for inaccurate, single-blow weapons.

Against bomb-

ing aircraft, on the other hand, fighter planes and antiaircraft guns could be
extremely effective.

Progress in speed and altituce performance of all types of

aircraft, which on the whole tends to favor the attacker, was more or less offset
by technological progress in other ficlds where the net result tends to favor the
defender (e.g., radar search and tracking, proximity fused projectiles, etc.).
At any rate, a future war between great powers could be visualized as one in
which the decisive cffects of stratetic bombing would be contingent upon the
cumulative effect of prolovigcd bombardmont efforts, which woulc in turn be govcerned by acrial battles and even whole campaigns for master; of the air.


while--if the recent war can sorve as a pattern--the older forms of warfare on
land and sea would exercise a telling cffect not only on the ultimate decision
but on the cffectiveness of the strategic bombing itsclf.

Conversely, the

strategic bombing would, as was certainly truc against Germany, influence or
detormine the dccision mainly through its effects-on the ground campaigns,
The atomic bomb seems, however, to crase the pattern described above, first
of all because its cnormous destructive potency is bound vastly to reduce the
time necessary to achieve the results which accruc from strategic bombing-~and
there can no longer be any dispute about the decisiveness of strategic bombing.
In fact, the cssential change introduced b:r the atomic bomb is not primarily that
it will make war more violent--a city can be as effectively destroyed with TNT


and incendiaries--but that it will concentrate the violence in terms of tire,


Select target paragraph3