which operate on basically different principles, and the same is no doubt true of



dish washing machines.

Some of these who were associated with the barib design project canc away

trenendously impressed with the secningly insuperabic


Undoubtedly they were justified

ifficultics which were

in their admiration for the ingenuity

But they are not justified in assuming that ageregations of talented

young micn in other parts of the world could not display equally brilliant ingenuity.

<A high-ranking naval officer, who was associatcd with the Los Alanos

Laboratory, in an effort at a rocent public mecting tc impress his audience with
the scale of the obstacles which will beset any other nation that attonpts to
make a bomb, reported that one particularly trying problem was overcome only

because one scicntist happened to misunderstand another,

It must be submitted

that the United States can hardly base its security on the supposition that
scicntists abroad will be unable to misunderstand each other.
Te cannot assume that what took us tivo and one~half years to accomplish,

without the certainty that success was possible, should take another great nation
twenty to thirty years to duplicate with the full knowledze that the thing has
been done.

To do so would be to exhibit an extreme form of ethnocentric smug-

it is true that we mobilizec a vast amount of talent, but Amorican Ways

are frequontly wasteful,
Ye were simultancously pushing forward on a great many other scicntific and

engincering frents having nothing to do with the atomic bomb.

Another nation

which has fewer enmincers and scientists than we have could nevertheless, by concoentrating all its pertinent talent on this one job--and there is plenty of
notivation--marshal as grcat a fund of scientific and engineering workers as it

would need, perhaps cs much es we did.

The Japanese, for example, before the re-

cent war, wore intcnt on having a gecd torpedo, and by concentrating on that ond
produced a superb torpedo, though they had to accept inferiority to us in practically covery other aspect of naval ordnance,

One should expect a sinilar

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