effective in 2 bomb as U-235, is derived from the more plentiful U-238 isotope,
but only through a chain reaction that depends on the presence of U-235, which is

broken down in the process,

It is doubtful whether a given quantity of uranium

can yield substantially more plutonium than 235,36

It appears also from the

Smyth Report that the amount of U-235 which can profitably be extracted by
separation of the isotopes is far below 100 per cent of the amount present, at
least under present technigues,.3/
What all these facts add up to is perhaps summarizedby’ the statement made
by one scientist that there is a great deal more than enough fissionable
naterial in lmown deposits to blow up all the cities in the world, though he
added that there might not be enough to do so ifthe cities were divided and
dispersed into ten times their present number (the Size of cities included in
that comment was not specified),

Whatever solace that statement may bring is

tempered by the understanding that it refers to known deposits of uranium ores only
and assumes no great increase in the efficiency of the bombs,
factors likely to change?

But how are these


It is hardly to be questioned that the present extraordinary military
premium on uranium will stimulate intensive prospecting and result in the discovery of many new deposits.

It seems clear that some of the prospecting which

went on during the war was not without result.

The demand for uranium hereto-

36. The Smyth Report is somewhat misleading on this score, in that it gives the
impression that the use of plutonium rather than U-235 makes it possible to

utilize 100 per cent of the U-238 for atomic fission energy.
2.26 and 4.25.

‘See paragraphs

However, other portions of the same report give a more accurate

picture, especially paragraphs 8.18 and 8.72-73.

3% Among numerous other hints is the statement that in September 192 the
plants working on the atomic bomb were already receiving about one ton daily of

uranium oxide of high purity (paragraph 6.11).

Making the conservative as-

sumption that this figure represented the minimum quantity of uranium oxide

being processed daily during 19-45, the U-235 content would be about 115

pounds, The actual figure of production is still secret, put from all available
indices the daily production of U-235 and Pu-239 is even now very considerably
below that amount,

Select target paragraph3