
When the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima



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in August 1945, there



were undoubtedly very few such bombs in existen ge—nhieh would be reason enough

for considering each one precious regardless of cost.

But their development

and production up to that time amounted to some 2 billions of dollars, and that
figure would have to be divided by the number made to give the cost of each.
If, for example, there were 20 in existence, the unit cost would have to be

reckoned at $100,000,000,

That, indeed, is a staggering sum for one missile,

being approximately equivalent to the cost of one iowa class battleship.

It is

quite possible that there were fewer than 20 at that time, and that the unit
cost was proportionately higher.

For these and other reasons, including the

desirability for psychological effect of making certain. that the initial demonstration should be a complete success, one can understand why it was then conSidered necessary, as General Arnold feels it will remain necessary, to “run a
large air operation for the sole purpose of delivering one or two atomic bombs "7
But it is of course clear that as our existing plant is used for the pro
duction of more bombs--and it has already been revealed that over three-fourths
of the 2 billion dollars went into capital investment for plants and facilities@o

~-the unit cost will decline.

Professor Oppenheimer has estimated that even with

existing techniques and facilities, that is, allowing for no improvements whatever

dD. Ibid., p. 68.
20. According to the figures provided the Machiahon Committee by Major General
Leslie R. Groves, the total capital investment spent and committed for piants

and facilities as of June 30, 1945 was $1,595,000,000,


Total operating costs

to the time the bombs were dropped in Auzust were $05,000,000.

larger sum is broken down as follows:



Manufacturing facilities alone-----------$1, 22,000,000

Housing for workers
Workmen's compensation and medical care-—

1,, 500,000

Total—------——$1, 595 ,000, 00
One might question the inclusion of the last item as a part of "capital investment," but it is in any case an insignificant portion of the whole.

Select target paragraph3