-19- \
explosive energy released, and thus the very concentration of power in the atomic
bomb detracts from its overall effectiveness.

The bomb must be detonated from an

altitude of at least 1,000feet if the full spread of its destructive radius is
be to realized, and much of the blast energy is absorbed by the air above the

But the sum of initial energy is quite enough to afford such losses.

If should be obvious that there is much more than a logistic difference
involved between a situation where a single plane sortie can cause the destruction
of a city like Hiroshima and one in which at least 500 bomber sorties are required to do the same job.

Nevertheless, certain officers of the U. 5S. Army Air

Forces, in an effort to "deflate" the atomic bomb, have observed publicly enough
to have their comments reported in the press that the destruction wrought at
Hiroshima could have been effected by two days of routine bombing with ordinary

Undoubtedly so, but the 500 or more bombers needed to do the job under

those circumstances would if they were loaded with atomic bombs be physically

capable of destroying 500 or more Hiroshimas in the same interval of time.
observation discounts certain tactical considerations.


These will be taken


in due course, but for the moment it is sufficient to point out that circumstances
do arise in war when it is the physical carrying capacity of the bombing vehicles
rather than tactical considerations which will determine the amount of damage




er hee)



No adequate defense against thebomb exists, and the possibilities of

- its existence in the future are exceedingly remote.
This proposition requires little supporting argument in so far as it is a
statement of existing fact.

But that part of it which involves a prediction for :

the future conflicts with the views of most of the high-ranking military officers
who have ventured opinions on the implications of the atomic bomb,

No layman can

with equanimity differ from the military in their own field, and the present
writer has never entertained the once-fashionable view that the military do not
know their own business.

But, apart from the question of objectivity concerning

Select target paragraph3