
-155by Messrs. Bevin, Byrnes, and Molotov .10L
regarding preliminary steps.

Four-power agreement was thus secured

The United States, Great Britain, Canada, and the

soviet Union agreed to urge the creation of a special United Nations commission
to study and report on atomic energy regulation, to facilitate mutual voluntary
disclosure of scientific data by the exchange of scientists, scientific publications, and scientific materials and to work step by step for the eventual elimination of the bomb and other instruments of mass destruction from the arsenals









of nations.


The governments of France and China joined in, the

move to have a special

commission on atomic energy created by the General Assembly of the United Nations
at its first meeting.

There was thus six-power agreement on the initial step.

As was to have been expected, the six-power proposal was unanimously approved by

the Assembly on January 2, 1946.102

‘That the new commission contains only the

representatives of states with seats in the Security Council plus a representative
of Canada means that security aspects of atomic energy control are to be no more
and no less "democratically" dealt with than other security problems.
This very moderate program will certainly win time.t93

At the very least,

it will Win some months during which the United Nations’ new commission will be
studying the control problem and preparing to report.

It can do more.


orderly program of investigation will give the national governments an opportunity
for a complete exchange of views and lay the groundwork for broader agreement at
a later date.

If meanwhile a program for voluntary reciprocal scientific dis-

closure is vigorously pushed, an atmosphere will have been created which will be

1Ol- thia., December 30, 195, p. 1027.


102. The Philippine delegate, alone among the smaller powers' representatives,
voiced a widely held sentiment against the slight role allotted to the Assembly
either in specifying the membership of the new commission or in supervision of
its activities.
103. See Chapter III, supra, for a fuller-discussion of this program.

Select target paragraph3