~liof peace.

Nothing less than the creation of a world authority strong enough to

enforce its will even against the greatest states would, they say, abate the
menace to mankind of the atomic bomb,
The case for world government right now may in fact at first glance seen


Mankind will pay a terrible price if its leaders make the wrong




choices in their efforts to achieve the social control’of


atomic energy.



of decision. within even a few months," according to one 2 oup of nuclear phys~



icists, "will be preparing the world for anprocedesiostiructiion, not only of
other countries but of our om as wei." 85

Does "world government right now"

provide the only intelligert goal around which men of good will who seek to prevent the total destruction of civilization can now unite?

Is it in the realm

of human affairs the invention which is the counterpart of the atomic bomb in
the realm of science?

The frantic casting about by the leaders of the great

states for some lesser solution and the apparent inadequacy of all such solutions so far suggested would seem to point to an affirmative answer to these
Unfortunately for those who believe

that a program of mass education is

all that is necessary to make world government right now feasible, that high
goal is right now or in the near future impossible of achievament.,

Even Anthony

Eden, who pelieves that discoveries about atomic energy have made the great—
power veto provisions of the United Nations Charter an anachronism, confesses

that "It is yet truc that national sentiment is still as strong as ever, and
here and there it is strengthened by this further complication——the differing
conceptions of forms of government and differing conceptions of what words like
freedom and democracy moan106

What Mr. Eden means is that neither the Soviet

Union nor Great Britain is now ready to surrender its sovereignty to a world

_ Statement issued by Association of Los Alamos Scientists, October 13, 195.
Now York Times, October 14, 195,
Speech in House of Commons, November 22, 1945.

Select target paragraph3