
-139will be inferior to that of Russia.

The Sovict system combines two features

that will be useful in atomic warfare, namely totalitarian central government
and ample space for dispersion.

Since this will mean a higher probability of

survival, it may increase the drawing-power of Moscow as compared with that of
London and Paris.

The Western grouping will be weakened, while the primacy of

Russia in Europe will be still further emphasized,

The result for Britain—and

for France also if she does not enter the Russian orbit-—-—must be increased re-

liance on America,

nower ¢“oN



Such a clear-cut polarization of power,
ardund the two great continental
countries, the Soviet Union and the United States, offers scant prospect of a
peaceful world co-operating in the common purpose of increased welfare.


chance thereis of averting it lics, it scems, in the fullest and specdiest
possible development of all the conciliatory, judicial, economic and social
activities planned for the United Nations Organization, coupled with the constant cffort to devise such a system of control over the use of atomic energy
s will overcome the foar that the new discoveries have brought upon the

Select target paragraph3