

~126in protection against atomic weapons but in the potentiel peaceful uses of the
new source of energy.

Another was the absence of a greatepower veto in the

It appears to have been thought that a body with purely advisory

powers, as the Assembly is, might set up and control an agency cntrusted with
the most critical of security problems,

What the announcement of November 15, 1915, contemplated was not a control
agency itsclf but simply a commission to to make recommendations on ways and
means of proventing the use of atomic energy for other than peaccful purposes,



AO ye


iff, Truman, in a press conference five days after the announcement, suggested




that all nations should have a voice in selectingGegesission and that its
members should be desimated by the General Assembly.

But it was only in the

most formal way that this suggostion survived the Moscow meeting of the three
Foreign Ministers,

The dominant opinion there was apparently that even at the

Stage of mere proposals for subsequent adoption or rejection by the interested
states, the Security Council should play the leading role.
So, while the Moscow Conference indecd arranged that the Gencral Assembly
should act as formal creator, it laid dowm the membership, functions and re=
sponsibility of the commission to be created,

ombership is limited to the

eleven states represented on the Security Council with the addition of Canada so
long as Canada is not on the Council,

In matters affecting sccurity the Council

is to issue directions to the commission and the commission is to be accountable
to the Council,

So jealously is the supremacy of the Council satceguarded, that

all reports and recommendations are to be subzritted by the comission to that
body, which in its discretion may transmit them to the General Assembly, to other
agencics, or to the mombcrs of the United Nations Organization.
The General Assembiyts part in planning for the eventual control of atomic
energy Will thus be compictely subject to the authority of the Security Council.


Now York Times, Noverbsr 21, 195.

Select target paragraph3