~126Francisco is already archaic.
took a contrary view.

The three governments that developed the bomb

They belicved that the United Nations Organization was

the very instrumentality through which the nearest approach to efficient control
of atomic fission could be achieved,

In the announcemnt issued from Vashineton

on November 15, 195, they expressed their belief that "no system of safeguards
that can be devised will of itself provide an effective guarantee against production of atomic weapons by a nation bent on aggression."

Declaring that "the

only complete protection for the civilized world from the destructive usc of
scientific kmowledge lies in the prevention of war," they went on to pin their
hopes of lasting peace explicitly and firmly to the United Nations Organization
fe Wee oty



and to ask that institution to devise ways and moans of insuring that atomic

energy shall be used only for peaceful purposes x;Zhis’ declaration of faith was
accompanicd, however, by an admission that the authority of the Organization
will need to be consolidated and extended.

Those who urge a super-state now will probably interpret this admission as
a promise of rapid evolution in the United Nations towards world government.

But extension docs not necessarily mean anything more than the addition of a
special instrumentality to assist in the control of atortic energy; while the
appeal to consolidate can be rcad merely as a fresh injunction to faithful com
pliance with obligations under the existing Charter.
It is true that in England opposition and governnent alike have evinced new
Willingness to discuss the sacrifice of national sovercignty./°

But there has

been no official response from Washington to this overture; while from the
Sovict Union--an indispensable partner in any project involving the merger of
state sovereignty in supranational organization--the repercussions have been
definitely negative. 76


Nor is it clear that obstacles will be thrown in the

Sce spceches in the House of Commons by ir. Eden on November 22, and by tir,

Bevin on November 23, 195

The editorial in Pravda dated December 2, 1945, reported on the following day

in the New York Times, is Typical of Russian comment on the suggestion throm out

by Mr, Eden and ir.Bevin.


Select target paragraph3