of Russia's head start.

The Soviet Union has allied herself with Britain and

France as well as with some of her small neighbors; we have concluded no formal

However, Russia's alliances, particularly those with France and

Britain, are not directed against the United States.

Instead, Britain and

Canada, sharing our ‘atomic secret, constitute a Icind of military combination
with the United States as far as atomic preparedness is concerned.

As a matter

of fact, both the Russians and we might find it difficult to induce other
countries to participate in a Soviet-American wars Those that did would risk
becoming targets of atomic attack.

It is importantinthis comiection to note

that, because of the veto power of the Big Five, membership in the United
Nations Organization has committed no country to participate in a war against
either the Soviet Union:or the United States,

(Only through specific military

alliances could such commitments be obtained.

It is far more difficult for

this country, both constitutionally and traditionally, to conclude alliances
than it is for the Soviet Union.

Whether sympathies with our cause or national

interest would in the end lead more countries to line up with us would depend on
too many changing factors to be predictable.
The Russians, once thoy possess the bomb, have a number of unquestionable
military advantages which go back to their form of government.

The proolem is

whether they would suffice to clovate the Sovict Union above the level of risks
which might deter her.
Only a dictatorial government has a chance of successfully launching a
surorise attack on its opponent.

Preparations for such action and the action

itsclf could be undertaken by the Soviet government without prior public discussion or congressional debate.

Much of the prevailing pessimism in this

country can be traced to the idea that our cities will become constantly exposed
to the threat of annihilating "Pearl Yarbors."

Two things can be said to

relieve this anxiety: The first, already mentioned, is the fact that no surprise
attack on this country would allow Russian cities to escape devastating retalia-


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