Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA

Like the whole beach we mentioned that is composed of tiny grains
of sand and smaller particles,

our bodies are composed of tiny cells.

These cells, which have different functions and different shapes,

have nuclei, or centers.


Within these centers are string-like materials

called chromosomes, which are in turn made up of genes.

The genes are

also composed of a number of chemicals, the most important of which is
DNA, short for desoxyribonucleic acid.

All of these things are composed

of molecules and, their smaller parts, atoms.

These chromosomes, which

are a series of long and short worm-like or thread-like shapes, determine

the workings and divisions of the cell.

The genes, which are like

different bands of color or segments on a thread, each serve a function
in making up the form of the chromosome.

form the genes.

The DNA and other chemicals

These chemicals contain codes, or chemical signals

which regulate the shape, form, and life of the genes.

The genes then

determine the shape and form of the chromosome, and the chromosome the
shape and function of the cell.

The cells ultimately control the shape

and form of our bodies.
Almost all the cells in our body are continuously producing new cells,
some slower, some faster.

It is easier to understand if we consider

that when we cut our hair, or fingernails, they grow again.

If we get

a cut or burn, the blood lost will be replaced, or the skin damaged
will be replaced.

This is done by the cells reproducing, or duplicating

themselves, and it is the basic process which allows us to grow to



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