Most poisons are chemicals which--if diluted by water or other harmless

substances--also become ineffective or harmless.

If radioactive isotones

had the same qualities, decontamination of a fallout zone would be much
easier--the material could simply be washed down and the major danger would
be eliminated.

Persons who accidentally ingested the material could drink

quantities of water and literally wash the radioactivity out of their systems.
Unfortunately this is usually not true with radioactive substances.
mentioned earlier,
are like


the electron structure of the atom of many kinds of isotopes

"chemical hrothers" of other stable elements, or elements naturally

found in our bodies.

Our naturally-appearing elements like calcium,


potassium have their “counterfeit” counterparts like sro and e537,


pointed out by Dr.

William F.

Neuman in the United States Congressional

hearings on "The Nature of Fallout and Its Effects on Man":

(94 p.


"Just as a dispensing machine can be made to operate with a slug having
a shane, weight, and properties similar to a genuine coin, so also can
the hody be 'fooled' when presented with a chemical counterfeit.
"Matural strontium is the chemical counterfeit of calcium,

an alkaline

earth which is reouired for the maintenance of health and well being
like calcium about 99 percent of the strontium is found

in the bone."

Thus it is that these counterfeit chemicals which get into man's body
locate themselves where their brothers are normally found.

Calcium is an

important component in our bones and thus strontium resides there.
is found in our muscle tissue and so is cesium.


Todine is important in the

operation of the thyroid qland and so we find its radioactive brother there,
How these elements get there
lands on the ocean,
in turn,

in turn,


the food chain.

it is taken up hy microscopic organisms,

If the fallout
like plankton.

serves as food for small fish and other sea life which,

are food for other,

larger fish.


at the end of


chain, man catches a fish which has been contaminated as a result of the
oriqinal fallout,



and hecomes contaminated himself.




Tf the fallout


Select target paragraph3