
William A,


Under date of 16 August 1963 Director, DASA, released all buildings
on the above six islands to the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory
to be disposed of as he saw fit.

A copy of that action is attached as

Inclosure l,
Under date of 1 December 1966 Director, DASA, forwarded a Memorandum to the Secretary of Defense recommending that leases on the six
islands be terminated.
A copy of that memorandum is attached as
Inclosure 2,
Since you have indicated a requirement for use of facilities on

the Islands of Rongelap and Utirik, you will be advised immediately

of the decision made by the Secretary of Defense regarding termination
of the leases on these islands,

In the event the Secretary directs

that DOD should continue the leases and upon receipt of a request

from you, Director, DASA, will initiate action to make the leased
areas on these two islands available to you,

subject to future DOD


In the interim,

it is suggested that you advise Mr. Norwood of

your requirements for facilities on these islands and


negotiations with him to determine whether the buildings you will
require are available.

2 Tnels


Rear Admiral, USN


Deputy Diregtor, Opn and Admin

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